There are a million little homemaking tasks that we do on a daily basis, but there are five main categories that they all fall under.

Breaking the daily homemaking tasks down into these five things reminds me what is absolutely necessary to get done. There are days where not all of them get done, but those are usually not my good days.
Accomplishing these five things make me feel like a successful homemaker. I feel like I have done my duty and stayed on top of things.
Here are the daily homemaking tasks that help remind myself to be a good homemaker in the day to day.
What household chores should be done daily?
1. Make food.
We all eat at least three times a day if not more and it can easily become a drudgery to make meals over and over again. Making simple yet delicious meals can help relieve the strain that this chore can cause by shortening meal prep and cook time. This is great for the warm months when everyone would rather be outside.
It’s also great to take advantage of the cooler months to make more elaborate meals or try new recipes.
2. Do laundry.
Doing a load a day seems to be what works for my family in this season. It helps me stay on top of the loads and make each load more manageable for me and the washing machine.
I have found that the smaller loads I can do more frequently the more likely I am to fold it and put it away right away.
Related: Laundry Tips for Beginners
3. Wash dishes.
This is the method that I have found to keep dishes more manageable.
That is to take care of the dishes after every meal. This ensures that I will have everything clean before the next meal and will keep the amount of dishes lower for each time I wash. If there are only a few dishes to take care of instead of a whole day’s worth, then it is easier to quickly knock them out.
This works great for large families, but smaller families can get away with only doing dishes once or twice since there are naturally less dishes being used.
Currently, we are a family of four and I am loving doing dishes twice a day. I ,generally, do the first round of dishes after lunch and the second after supper. Skipping breakfast dishes is not a problem because we don’t make very many.
4. Sweep.
The floors can get dirty so fast especially since I have mostly hard tile floors. Clean floors is one of the things that my man really appreciates so I try to sweep at least once right before he gets home and again when I am cleaning up after dinner.
This is something small that only takes 5 minutes, but goes a long way for helping me and the house feel put together.
Hey Friend!
Does housework overwhelm you to the point of discouragement? Do you wish you could finally get on top of it all? Do you have the homemaking dream of keeping your home in order, but struggle to actually do so on a day-to-day basis?
Are you struggling to manage your time at home?
Check out my new eBook Systems & Routines: Simple Time Management for Homemakers! It includes all that I have learned about systems and routines and how they have helped me manage my time and home well!

5. Organize.
This is something I try to do several times throughout the day, but I prioritize putting everything in place when I know that my husband is on his way home.
Organizing is a way to reduce chaos and create a more peaceful place, too. If the kids are being really cranky, I have noticed that it can help everyone to feel a little more calm if there is more order.
Related: How to be Efficient in Homemaking
Final Thoughts!
Do you find yourself wondering if you are a good homemaker? I do. It seems like there is so much to do and we can’t get it all done everyday.
It has really helped me in my homemaking journey to break things down and wrap my brain around what homemaking tasks should be done every day. There definitely things that can and do get done on some days, but on the chaotic days when everything is falling apart, it’s good to have set tasks that must get done.
It orders life and helps us emotionally as well.
What is perfect about this list is that it is short, achievable, and fits into all of the four seasons whether it is summer, fall, winter, or spring. Now there are seasons like when you have a baby or recovering from illness where we need to simply give ourselves grace to do the absolute bare minimum.
There are also the random days where we just need a break from the grind. We all have those days and it is not something to be ashamed about. In some ways, I think, that is God’s way of helping us stay balanced. We need rest and relaxing days where things get set aside.
This why we should observe the sabbath.
How can I be a Happy Homemaker?
Homemaking Definition – the Meaning of Homemaker
I love how simple these things are but if you really put your heart into doing them they can make you feel so much more accomplished!
Good encouragement and good tasks to prioritize!