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All of the products listed below are ones that I personally use and love. I hope that these recommended products help you flourish as you seek to serve your loved ones. These products may seem like little things, but it is the little things that save us stress, time, and energy that can make our home life a little more cozy.
Thanks for being here and happy exploring!
Household Products
Reusable Food Pouches
I am not a huge fan of plastics and silicones, but we needed some kind of snack that was quick and easy to have on the go. It was either use reusable food pouches or buy food pouches. Either way, we would be using plastic so to save some money on baby food, I opted for reusable food pouches and fill them with applesauce.
These are my favorite because they are easy to clean. All you need is a bottle brush and it gets into all the crevices. I have used other styles of reusable pouches, but these are so much easier to clean and use.
It comes with a funnel, but I find it easier to use a small silverware spoon to scoop it directly into the pouch.
Bamboo Scrub Brushes
I absolutely love these for washing dishes with! The long handle brush is by far my favorite for scraping and rinsing scraps off of dishes before washing them. My husband (who so sweetly periodically jumps into the kitchen to help with the dishes) loves to use the smaller brushes to wash with.
If I were to buy more bamboo brushes again, I would probably get this set instead because I really only use the long handled one and this set comes with replacement heads which is something I now need to replace.
Jojoba Oil
I have very sensitive skin and a skin condition called rosacea. Basically, it’s a rash that is hard to get rid of if possible at all. I have to be super careful what I put on my face.
Jojoba oil is said to be the closest oil to the makeup of our natural oil in our skin. That’s why it is great alternative for lotion and moisturizing creams. It doesn’t leave your skin feeling oily like coconut oil does either. Instead it absorbs it right up and disappears.
Food & Supplements
Grass-Fed Collagen
This is by far the best deal out there for grass-fed collagen. It’s $64.76 ($0.81/oz) for 5 lbs. When I first saw this price, I wasn’t quite ready to invest that much so I bought a smaller size and tried it out. Now that we use collagen on a regular basis, this stash has lasted us for many many months.
Grass-Fed Gelatin Powder
You can’t beat 3 lbs of gelatin for $38.66 or $0.81/oz! I also like this brand of 2 lbs of gelatin for $0.90/oz.
I use a scoop of gelatin regularly like bullion adding it to soups, rice, and potatoes. You can add it to pretty much any liquid you are going to cook with and it adds a depth of flavor and extra nutrients just like broth would. I like using gelatin instead of broth because it is unseasoned. This way, I can easily season whatever I am making to taste.
You can also use this to make homemade jello, a jello drink, marshmallows, and gummies.
Beef Liver Capsules
I switched from prenatal to beef liver capsules about a year ago, and love this clean option for a natural multivitamin. It’s real food and a source of 16 vitamins and minerals! Can’t recommend it enough!
Avocado Oil Potato Chips
If you are looking to clean up your diet from unhealthy seed oils, than you are going to love these potato chips fried in avocado oil. There is only three ingredients, too: Potatoes, avocado oil, and sea salt!
I simply stopped buying chips for a LONG time and me and family were both thrilled when I came across this healthier option for chips. We still try to limit how much of it we eat, but it so nice to have these in our pantry when we need a quick on lunch on the go.
The Common Rule: Habits of Purpose for an Age of Distraction