Are you struggling to manage your time at home? Here’s my new eBook where I share all that I have learned about systems and routines and how they have helped me manage my time and my home well!

Does housework overwhelm you to the point of discouragement? Do you wish you could finally get on top of it all? Do you have the homemaking dream of keeping your home in order, but struggle to actually do so on a day-to-day basis?
Maybe you think to myself…
- “I want to have a home that is neat and in order, but I don’t know how to do this.”
- “I want to have a clean home, but I can’t seem to figure out how to get it all done.”
- “I want time for hobbies, but I have all this housework to do?”
- “I feel like I have time to do everything, but I can’t seem to manage time well.”
- “I simple can’t get the housework done.”
You’re not alone!
Most homemakers, new moms, newly stay-at-home-moms struggle with this at one point or another. This is something we all struggle with.
I struggled with this, too and that is why I wrote this eBook called Systems & Routines: Simple Time Management for Homemakers. After finally feeling like I was on the other side of the struggle, I just couldn’t keep what brought me here to myself so I wrote this eBook. I wanted to share all that I had learned with other homemakers!
A bit of my homemaking journey…
When my husband and I got married, I was working part-time and managing our tiny apartment the rest of the time. There wasn’t much space to manage, but I still struggled to do all the necessary things like…
- cleaning the bathroom
- making food
- going grocery shopping
- keeping things tidy and in order
- washing the laundry
I am a bit of a perfectionist and it was hard to accept the fact that our living quarters couldn’t stay perfect while we lived in them. There was a constant need to do the same things over and over again. It was really discouraging that nothing ever seemed to get done.
It was flat out stressful at times and I didn’t know what to do about it!
Along came our first baby and then we moved into our first house! Yay! I was actually really excited about having my own house as a homemaker, except…
It still had to be managed! Even though I was constantly busy going about doing things, it felt like I wasn’t actually accomplishing the things that needed to be done.
Here is where the to-do-list entered my life, and I actually hated it! Making a list of all the things that needed to be done and knowing full well that there was no way that I could do it all left me discouraged and often in tears because I just wanted to keep a home well, but this almost seemed impossible!
Was it impossible? Was keeping my home an impossible dream? Was there no way to fulfill my God-given calling to be the keeper of my home? Was I slave to my to-do-list?
But that was years ago and today, things are much much different!
I wake up in the morning passionate about keeping my home! Yes, it includes doing all the things we mom’s and homemakers do, but now it’s actually fun to keep my home. Now, I enjoy keeping my home.
I like it so much that I’ve become the homebody who wants to stay home and organize and clean instead of going out. I like being a homemaker even with small children who love to create chaos!
It doesn’t bother so much if they create chaos because now I know how to easily clean it up and put the house all back together!
This is what systems and routines have done for me and I love it! I love it so much that I had to write this eBook to share all this goodness with you! It was too good to keep to myself.
In case you’re wondering what all’s included…
Here’s a peak at the table of contents…

It’s full of old-fashioned homemaking quotes !
This digital book has more than 15 quotes from homemaking books that were written in the 1800’s to early 1900’s. While I was deep in the throes of my own time management journey, I came across a bunch of different old homemaking books and I desperately searched all through them for advice about my plight.
They played a huge part in this journey and I gleaned so much wisdom from them. Being an old fashioned gal myself, I couldn’t help but include some of my favorite quotes from these books like this one…

What other homemakers think about this book…
I absolutely loved Systems and Routine: Simple Time Management for Homemakers! I only wish I had this guide when my kids were young because it would have helped me be so much more effective with my days and live with less overwhelm. My favorite part was the morning routine section—mornings have always been a struggle for me, and I loved learning how to set up my day the right way from the start. The guide breaks everything down so simply, from morning to evening routines, and gives great ideas for daily tasks and weekly planning. I highly recommend it to any homemaker looking to bring more structure and peace to their days!
~ Nell Marie, Pribbles
This little book includes tips and insights for so many areas of the homemaker’s life. Whether you read it straight through or jump around, you’re sure to find some new tidbit or idea that will inspire or encourage you as a homemaker.
~ Marissa Finch, A Productive Household
Where to get the book…
So friend, are you ready to learn my secrets on how I manage my home? What it took to get me from a place of utter chaos to managing my time well?
Grab your eBook here and jump start your own time management journey!
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