Have you read any of Sally Clarkson’s books? I’m almost finished with “The Life-Giving Table” and it has been a refreshing read. Yes, it is alot about food, but at the core of everything is the choice to be a life-giving homemaker.

One of my goals as a homemaker is to create a place where my family and I can flourish, a place that is life-giving to all who may enter.
It would be so easy to fill this summer with all kinds of to-do’s, but I want to make sure the things I choose to put on my summer checklist is life-giving and helps me and my family flourish. Perhaps it’s not so much what you do, but how you do it.
What do you have planned for this summer? If you need some life-giving ideas so you can make the most of this season, here are 7 old fashioned ideas to add to your summer checklist.
Make Homemade Ice Cream
Hot weather calls for cold desserts and what better way to be a little more old fashioned this summer than to make some homemade ice cream, popsicles, or an ice box cake.
Anything that’s sweet and frozen will surely be a hit when your kids come in from playing outside. Growing up one of our favorite treats was actually frozen mandarin slices or other fruit. Grapes are quite good, too.
Is there anything more essential to a life-giving home than delicious food? I know deserts aren’t the main thing we should think about when we think about food, but they do play a role. You should read about it in Sally Clarkson’s book.
Decorate with flowers
One thing I love to do in the spring and summer is decorate with flowers. They are so life-giving and beautiful! There is just something refreshing about having flowers around.
Even if you don’t have a flower garden or you can’t afford to have real flowers all the time, fake flowers will still brighten up your home making it more cozy and life-giving during these hot months.
Spend time in the sunshine
The cold winter will come again soon so let’s make use of the warm sunny days and get outside. Whether you meet up with friends for a play date, find a park to walk around at, or simply step outside into the backyard; sunshine and fresh air will do you a world of good.
Sometimes I like to take a chair and a book and sit in the backyard while my toddlers play. If they have the kiddy pool out, I might even get my feet wet.
Overall, I just feel better when I get a bit of fresh air and sun everyday. Sometimes when I’m feeling unmotivated towards housework, stepping outside for a few minutes helps me feel better and have a little more energy to give towards my responsibilities.
It’s life-giving!
Play in the water
Maybe I’m weird, but I absolutely love playing in water! Whether it’s splashing in the kiddy pool with my kids, talking a stroll in my backyard during a misty rain, or simply soaking my feet in the kiddy pool, I love to get out and play in the water!
There’s just something refreshing about cool water in these summer months so take every opportunity you get to get a little wet.
Work on Fall/Christmas Decor
When the holidays come around, do you ever feel like you have so many things you want to work on or create, but you simply run out of time? Why not work on decor or handmade gifts way before the holidays get here. That way, you can actually relax and enjoy them a bit more instead of running around like a chicken with its head cut off.
This is a new idea for me. I always have so many grand ideas for DIY stuff, but I always get overwhelmed with how little time there is during the holidays that I rarely even do half of what I want to do.
This summer, I’m starting early and I’m excited to create some handmade decor for my home!
Sew a Sundress
I’m in the lovely season of motherhood and it’s hard to find clothes that I can wear that cover all the seasons of pregnancy, nursing, and everything in between and still look attractive.
Recently, I saw a homemaker wearing a sundress with a t-shirt over it. She had it tucked or tied up over her baby bump and I thought it was so cute!
This would work well for every season of motherhood, not to mention that sundresses are pretty easy to make for a beginner seamstress.
Perhaps you are not on the journey of creating your own wardrobe to tailor it to your specific needs as I am. Maybe you just want a new sewing project to work on. Why not make yourself a cute outfit this summer?
I’ve noticed that creating things is very life-giving for me, that’s why I love sewing. Maybe it’s not your cup of tea.
What are ways that you can create things that are life-giving to you?
Open the windows
I’ve been hearing a lot about how opening your windows at least 15 minutes a day can improve the air quality inside your home. This summer it’s one of my goals to cultivate the habit of opening all the windows even just for a little bit everyday.
Even if you aren’t worried about air quality, a little bit of fresh air inside will freshen up your home and make it a little more life-giving.
Final Thoughts!
Perhaps some of these things seem really small in the grand scheme of creating a life-giving home, but in reality, it’s the little things that we change and choose to do that add up and make a huge difference.
Perhaps, you are like me and in the thick of raising little ones and adding more to the family. Life is crazy and it’s hard to start doing a lot of big things, but small changes here and there are more sustainable. They still make an impact.
If you are looking to create a more life-giving home that’s healthy and full of the wisdom from homemakers gone by, you don’t have to make huge changes this summer.
Maybe it’s starting to cook from scratch so you can save money and eat healthier. Maybe it’s learning to sew so that you can create things at a fraction of a price.
Whatever your goals are this summer, make headway. Do a little bit here and there. Progress is what counts.
Wishing you and yours a life-giving summer!
Save it for Later!

Lovely post Naomi 🌹 you have me summer dreaming while listening to the winter rain in bed (I’m in Australia). Sundresses, ice cream and flowers! Sewing some fun dresses will be a lovely way to make it through dreary August. Thank you 🙏