Want to get Christmas shopping done ahead of time? Take the first step and find out what your loved ones want with this free printable Christmas wish list!

Gift giving is not my strong suit and I would much prefer my loved ones tell me what they want instead of me trying to figure it out. Not to mention, the more you have in your family the more stressful it can be to keep straight what you are going to give to who.
Cut some of the chaos from the gift giving process this Christmas season by handing out a printable wish list to your loved ones when you are ready to start your Christmas shopping.
Don’t stress over trying to find good ideas by yourself. Let them give you their ideas and go from there.
Once you get the good ideas from the wish list, keep track of which ones you want to get in a gift planner like the one included in my Holiday Planner.
Cut yourself some slack! Be prepared ahead of time and make the most of this Christmas season!
Download my free printable Christmas wish list here and get ahead of the game!
Want more FREE Christmas printables?
Find more Christmas printables in the Holiday Planner! Including
- This Wish List
- Gift Planner Page
- Gift Tags
- Bucket List
- and more!
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