Homemaking quotes for your own home

Homemaking is the most important work that any wife or mom can do. It’s hard work, but very rewarding as you create a haven with your unique tastes and personality.
There are household duties and daily tasks, not to mention cultivating human relationships. There is so much that goes into the work of a woman that it takes some measure of skill to manage it all especially if you have a family of small children.
This is why I have gathered some homemaker quotes for you, hoping that you will find some inspiration to motivate you in your far from ordinary work.
Homemaking Quotes
A home should be a treasure chest for living. – Le Corbusier
Home is where the heart is. – Pliny the Elder
A house is made of walls and beams; a home is built with love and dreams. – Unknown
The housewife works hard, of course–but likes it. Most people who amount to anything do work hard, at whatever their job happens to be. The housewife’s job is home-making, and she is, in fact, ‘making the best of it’; making the best of it by bringing patience and loving care to her work; sympathy and understanding to her family; making the best of it by seeing all the fun in the day’s incidents and human relationships.
Cleaning your house can also be a workout. – Jessica Biel
The housewife realizes that home-making is an investment in happiness. It pays everyone enormous dividends. There are huge compensations for the actual labor involved…
There are unhappy housewives, of course. But there are unhappy stenographers and editresses and concert singers. The housewife whose songs I sing as I go about my work, is the one who likes her job.
– Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, Songs of a Housewife: Poems by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
A house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body. – Benjamin Franklin
A home is a kingdom of its own in the midst of the world, a stronghold amid life’s storms and stresses, a refuge, even a sanctuary. – Dietrich Bonhoeffer
A clean home is a happy home. – Unknown
There is no spectacle on earth more appealing than that of a beautiful woman in the act of cooking dinner for someone she loves. – Thomas Wolfe
I believe that a godly home is a foretaste of heaven. Our homes, imperfect as they are, must be a haven from the chaos outside. They should be a reflection of our eternal home, where troubled souls find peace, weary hearts find rest, hungry bodies find refreshment, lonely pilgrims find communion, and wounded spirits find compassion. – Jani Ortlund
There is no occasion when meals should become totally unimportant. Meals can be very small indeed, very inexpensive, short times taken in the midst of a big push of work, but they should be always more than just food. – Edith Schaeffer, Hidden Art
Homemaking is a passion you can pass on from generation to generation. – Elizabeth George
The kitchen is your natural setting as a woman and you should look beautiful, not bedraggled, in it. Whether you go to work or work at home- or both- take advantage of the opportunity the kitchen offers for expressing your wifely qualities in what you wear. Pinafores, organdies, and aprons look wonderful, as do gay cotton wrap-arounds that slip on over your dress while you make breakfast. Too much attention is paid to kitchen equipment and decor; too little to what is worn in this setting. Why look like Cinderella’s crotchety stepmother when you can be a lyrical embodiment of all that a home and hearth means!
– Anne Fogarty, Wife Dressing: The Fine Art of Being a Well-Dressed Wife
Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing up is like shoveling the sidewalk before it stops snowing. – Phyllis Diller
There is romance in housework. – Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
I’m only a housewife, I’m afraid.” How often do we hear this shocking admission. I’m afraid when I hear it I feel very angry indeed. Only a housewife: only a practitioner of one of the two most noble professions (the other one is that of a farmer); only the mistress of a huge battery of high and varied skills and custodian of civilization itself. Only a typist, perhaps! Only a company director, or a nuclear physicist; only a barrister; only the President! When a woman says she is a housewife she should say it with the utmost pride, for there is nothing higher on this planet to which she could aspire. – John Seymour, Forgotten Household Crafts
Few things are more important than finding a home and working at it constantly to make it resonate with deep memories and fulfill deep longings. – Thomas Moore
To entertain at home is both a relief and a rediscovery – of rooms and settings, of your favorite things, and particularly of your own tastes and ideas. – Martha Stewart
Home is the nicest word there is. – Laura Ingalls Wilder, Little Women
Final Thoughts
Words inspire like nothing else, and though women’s work is never done, I hope you found new strength to be the best homemaker you can be.
Home really is the best place to be and no matter if your little ones wake you up at any given hour of the night and feel like spending time with you constantly every hour of the day; hopefully, you find that this ultimate career of homemaking really is the most exciting thing you could ever do with your life!
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