You are here because you are looking for more homemaking blogs to inspire and encourage you in your journey as a homemaker. Out of curiosity and because I wanted to share my passion and many of my fellow bloggers passion about homemaking with you, I set out today to find other homemaking blogs that are rich with practical tips, recipes, and much more.

There were so many that I was starting to get overwhelmed so I narrowed it down to 21 homemaking blogs to share with you. (Hopefully, this still isn’t too much.)
Many of these are my favorite homemaking blogs, some are my blogging friends, and some were totally new to me that I just started following.
I’m more of an old fashioned homemaker with a yearning for the country life myself so many of these blogs reflect that.
Backroad Bloom
This is my top recommendation! I love, love, love Jayden’s blog! She helps women with homemaking routines and all things homemaking. If you need some extra goodness to your week, sign up for the Backroad Bloom newsletter. She sends one out every week and is so fun and relaxing to read.
She makes you feel like her friend and you can’t help but catch her sweet spirit that is present in everything she writes.
The Virtuous Home
Yes, this is my blog, but I wanted to share my heart and desire behind the blog.
As busy mom’s, it is so easy to be worn out from sacrificing for your family 24/7. Your family might be doing well, but you are struggling.
My mission is to help you create a place that you can flourish in as well as your family through implementing practical homemaking tips, striving to be a virtuous woman, and prioritizing good food through delicious recipes.
I would love to help other women by sharing all the goodness that I am learning in my own journey as a homemaker!
Our Gabled Home
If you are into sourdough, Anja has a lot information and good recipes for you. Some of her favorite things to share are traditions and other things pertaining to old fashioned homemaking. She defines homemaking like this.
“Homemaking for me is a way to slow down, value traditions and my (German) heritage but also sustainability.” ~ Anja from Our Gabled Home
Hearts Content Farmhouse
If you are into old-fashioned homemaking, then you are going to love the Heart’s Content Farmhouse. Katie loves to share all the things that encourage slow simple living in this chaotic world.
Proverbial Homemaker
Tauna over on the Proverbial Homemaker shares all that she is learning about being divinely equipped to be the homemaker God wants you to be! She talks about homeschooling as a Christian homemaker.
The Happier Homemaker
If you are looking for tested recipes from a seasoned home cook, Melissa is your girl. She also shares home and garden tips and tricks on the Happier Homemaker. This is perfect busy moms who don’t have a lot of time for cooking dinner.
Artful Homemaking
On her blog Artful Homemaking, Joy shares how to intentionally create the art of homemaking through the simple way of everyday life. She writes about minimalism, cleaning, organization, and all the things that point towards a beautiful life!
Simple Home and Health
Stephanie of Simple Home and Health shares her passion for homemaking and what her blog is about.
“It is about creating a healthy home on a budget. I’m super passionate about the homemaker role and frugal living. I love being a homemaker because it allows me to be with my boys in their highs and lows. That is so special! I saw somewhere on Instagram that apparently, by the time your child is 18, you have already spent about 90% of the time you ever have with them.
So I definitely do not take these homemaking and mothering days for granted (it helps to remember that stat from time to time).” ~ Stephanie from Simple Home and Health
Titus 2 Homemaker
Rachel over on Titus 2 Homemaker teaches mom’s how to be better homemakers in spite of illness. She also purposely doesn’t put ads on her site in order to keep it a more peaceful experience for you!
Hey Friend!
Does housework overwhelm you to the point of discouragement? Do you wish you could finally get on top of it all? Do you have the homemaking dream of keeping your home in order, but struggle to actually do so on a day-to-day basis?
Are you struggling to manage your time at home?
Check out my new eBook Systems & Routines: Simple Time Management for Homemakers! It includes all that I have learned about systems and routines and how they have helped me manage my time and home well!

The Ambitious Homemaker
All the recipes and homemaking advice here on The Ambitious Homemaker comes from a seasoned homemaker whose children are grown and have flown the coop. She did all the things that we aspire to do and now she is passionately sharing all her wisdom and tips and tricks on homemaking.
In the words of Michelle…
“I’m a high school teacher with the heart of a homemaker. When my kids were little I was able to stay home. Now I write articles to share tips and tricks about self-care, home care, caring for others, and cooking for the younger women and mothers. I believe that homemaking is for anyone who wants to provide and safe, loving environment for family and friends.” ~ Michele from The Ambitious Homemaker
The Peaceful Haven
I love the slow, natural, christian emphasis that the Peaceful Haven has! The free magazines are very cute and intriguing, too! You should go check it out and subscribe to the Gazette!
Thankful Homemaker
I’m loving the Thankful Homemaker blog! This is a new one to me, but I’m definitely intrigued because this is also a podcast that I haven’t heard about before! Totally excited to go check it out and download her free homemaking resources!
Sisu Homemaker
If you love exploring new cultures, Sisu Homemaker is for you! Carol is Finnish and shares all her unique recipes, diy projects, and much more on her blog.
Here is her mission for her blog!
“As a follower of Christ I believe our first mission field is our home! It’s important to me to cultivate a home that’s comfortable and hospitable. I’ve also always had an interest in my Finnish ancestry! That’s why you’ll find my writing a lot about Finnish food, Finnish baking, family meals, and beginner DIY home projects.” – Carol from Sisu Homemaker
Connecting with Littles
Melinda, one of my blogging aquaintances, shares her mission behind Connecting with Littles and what homemaking means to her!
“It has all to do with how to live with a bunch of little ones, including what homemaking looks like in this stage, because it certainly isn’t always a well kept, tidy, clean, picture perfect house.
To me homemaking means making my house a home. It goes with the saying “Home is where the heart is.” Since I have become a homemaker, my prayer is that my home will be a place of refuge from a hard world, a place of rest for my family and others to be happy to come back to. Even at this stage where my home is very unfinished, the walls are unpainted, and nothing matches, I know it can be a happy place for my little ones. I pray it will be a place they will someday look back on fondly, in part because of the atmosphere their mama created there.”
I love the simplicity and sincere desire to simply make home a happy place! Don’t you?
Homemaking and Horticulture
Here is a beautiful little blog that inspires mom’s towards the beauty of homemaking, gardening, and organizing to name a few things. There are a lot of great tips and bits of encouragement here at Homemaking and Horticulture!
The Humbled Homemaker
Looking for another stay at home mom to inspire you and help you with natural living and the care of your home through beautiful homemaking? Erin over at the The Humbled Homemaker can do just that.
Humorous Homemaking
The blog Humorous Homemaking is just that! I’m not super familiar with this blog so I was reading her about page and was cracking up! She really does bring a humorous side to all the nitty-gritty of homemaking.
The Learning Life
Here is another blogger’s perspective on homemaking!
“I’m Sierra! I blog at where I talk about Homemaking, Homesteading and Hope. I became a homemaker after leaving a career in journalism. I’ve been able to use my skills I developed professionally a thousand times over and now I’m able to teach my children the same skills. However, our love for the Lord comes first. And through Scripture, my husband and I saw women staying home as part of His design so that’s what we’ve strived to do.
Homemaking to me is pleasing to God, enriching to my family and just plain fun. I can work directly with my kids and where they’re at in life. I can support my husband’s crazy work schedule. And I can do the things I truly love – cooking, cleaning, crafting and loving on my family.
I strive to allow my blog to show those same things. I’m passionate about teaching other families how to homestead on a small amount of land, encouraging other women to embrace “old” skills, all while looking to the Lord.” ~ Sierra from The Learning Life
Passionate Homemaking
Lindsay shares her passion for Christian homemaking through homeschooling, recipes, book reviews and more! She is living out Passionate Homemaking!
The Farm Chicken
Here is what the author of The Farm Chicken says about homemaking.
“Homemaking to me seems like a lost art. Sewing, Organizing, Cleaning, Shopping, Prepping Food and all the things that go with making a house a home. Let’s learn together how to create a home that is clean, organized and welcoming to our families.” ~ Mariah from The Farm Chicken
The Fewell Homestead
Amy over on The Fewell Homestead is sharing her story of Christian homemaking through her farm adventures and home cooked meals. You can learn more about bees, herbs, and many other things pertaining to homemaking and homesteading straight from her on her blog.

Final Thoughts!
I had so much fun looking up all these blogs! The list really was endless which means that we are not alone on this path that we so passionately want to pursue. There is so many women there ready and waiting to lend a hand with whatever it is we need.
Our culture may be steering more towards an online community instead of a face to face community. As much as we dislike that, there are advantages like learning from other women all over the world that we can be grateful for. Pinterest or other social media platforms.
I hope you find encouragement and inspiration through these blogs and quotes about homemaking from my blogging friends knowing that there is a sisterhood of homemakers just like you journeying through the chaos of motherhood and homemaking!
(Don’t forget that you can follow us on Pinterest and on other social media platforms, too!)
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