Hey homemaker, are mornings a struggle for you? Maybe you struggle having a productive day as a homemaker. I hope that sharing my simple morning routine will inspire you to be a productive homemaker!

Do you love reading other homemakers morning routines? I do even though I have a simple morning routine in place. Seeing how other busy homemakers do to prepare for another wonderful day of homemaking is always inspiring!
Mornings can be such a struggle, but having a simple morning routine is a game changer. Not only will this morning routine help you get up early, but it will also help you get a head start on homemaking before your kids wake up. And who doesn’t want to be ahead?
I know for me that a productive morning leads to a productive day so here are my 5 simple morning routine ideas to help you be a more productive homemaker!
Get up at the same time every day.
I would say get up early, but that can mean several different things. And when is early enough? 6:30? 5:00? 4:30?
Perhaps you don’t struggle with this, but I do. I can get up “early” like 5:30 or 6, but it’s just really hard to consistently do this every day.
I find that waking up at 7 every day is an achievable goal for me, even when I have to wake up in the night with the children. It’s about the time when the sun comes up where I live, give or take 30 minutes throughout the year. Some may call this late, but it works well for me. It seems to be a sweet spot.
If you struggle with “waking up early“, striving for consistency might be a better goal for you.
Make breakfast.
Breakfast is one of my favorite meals of the day, because eating a good breakfast helps me have a good start to my day. It is, however, one of my least favorite meals to make from scratch because it takes me awhile to wake up.
I try to keep it simple though, and make the same thing every day. A lot of times, it’s eggs, toast, and some fruit. A simple from scratch breakfast!
Sometimes I am ahead of the game, and I start some thing the day before, but when I don’t, this is my go to breakfast. I always have the things to make this on hand, and can whip it up no time.
While waiting for the skillet to heat up so I can make my eggs, I do a few things around the house.
Open the curtains.
I love opening the curtains and letting in the morning light while breakfast cooks. The natural light brightens the morning literally, and figuratively as it helps me not be so groggy.
There is something elegant about having actual curtains rather than blinds too. It’s a simple, old-fashioned touch that makes me smile. I’m even contemplating having lace curtains because I love the dainty, elegance of lace. It’s so pretty! How fun would it be to get to tie back lace curtains every morning?
Start a load of laundry.
After opening the curtains, the next thing I try to do is start a load of laundry. Doing a load nearly every day helps me stay on top of it, and if I started early before the children get up, it is more likely to get folded and put away.
I love getting ahead on things and starting a load of laundry before breakfast is one thing that I strive to do every morning.
Reflect and devote.
Taking time to reflect on God’s word, and devote your self, and your home to him is the secret to a good morning routine. Taking some time to read some scripture and pray, really brings peace into the home and orients you before the chaos of the day (especially if you have any children).
Pursuing God, in this way, is one way homemakers from the past grew in virtue, and found the strength and grit to flourish no matter their circumstances.
Although I love all the old-fashioned things that homemakers from the past did, their grit and virtue are fast becoming my favorite old fashioned habits. This are some of the most necessary habits of homemakers who want to flourish, and their roots lie in daily time with God in his truth.
Finding time, for this is the difficult thing as a homemaker, especially in the morning. Morning time is my favorite time to do it, but to be honest, it doesn’t always happen then. On crazy days, I sometimes don’t get it in until the afternoon or even bedtime. Although it is difficult to fit in, it’s such a good and deeply refreshing time that I strive to do it every day.
Final Thoughts!
If mornings are a struggle for you, then you need a simple morning routine to help schedule those important morning hours. It doesn’t have to be super in depth or detailed. It is a lot easier to keep a simple morning routine. Having too many details to remember makes it too difficult.
After you have figured out a morning routine that works for you, you might find my daily routine to be helpful in creating a daily template so that your days can be more organized.
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